ICAT works with your district to understand funding sources and capacity. Your district’s bond referendum passage experience is examined to uncover any obstacles that may need to be overcome to secure community support. A fiscally capable plan is developed that meets current and future needs.
“I use the ICAT program as a resource. The district engaged with ICAT to help us with a facilities assessment, identify a design partner, our master plan, and bond referendum support. While we utilized the ICAT team for mechanical upgrades, I realized we needed some assistance due to our business manager leaving, and I did not have a complete understanding of ESSER-funded projects. ICAT helped design a scope of work for our projects, which they’ll evaluate closer to when the projects start. Along with our upcoming project, they are helping with our athletic facilities and a primary school playground installation. They are amazing when it comes to clear communication because when I call, they always answer, plain and simple.”
Will Engelbrecht, Facilities Director
Center Point-Urbana Community School District